Monday, October 06, 2008

Ms., Mrs., Mr., and What?

Janey was explaining the difference between Ms. and Mrs. to one of the boys. Here is the conversation paraphrased (as is my tradition) in order to make it funnier...

Janey- "So when a woman is not married, she is Miss. Like before I was married, I was Miss Queen. Then after I got married I became Mrs. Owen."

David- "What happens when a man gets married?"

Seth- "Well, before he is married, people call him Mister, like Mr. Owen. Then after he is married, people call him poor, like Poor Mr. Owen."

I don't think David understood any better, but Jonathan laughed really hard!


Kimberly said...

Sometimes Mr. Owen you can be pretty witty!!!

Anonymous said...

thats "Poor Mr. Owen"

Melissa Guay said...

And yet you continue to cook and bake for that sassy husband.

Anonymous said...

All I can think is: "Poor Mrs. Owen" =)

Anonymous said...

That was the best laugh I've had all week!