Tuesday, February 23, 2010

TV Kid

Jonathan (age, 8):

Hey Momma, if you have another kid, I want you to name him 'TV'. That way, when you ask me what I am doing, I can say, 'Watching TV.'

I guess he wasn't ready for his "screen time" to be over. Such a creative kid!

Friday, February 19, 2010

A Beautiful Sunset

Last night, Thomas noticed the sunset and said:

"Momma! It's beautiful. It's like a painting from God."

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Jonnie's Gig

A fiddle player came and gave fiddle lessons at Jonathan's and David's Elementary School. Here's an article about it that was in the local paper: Fiddler Teaches Art at Cascades

Jonathan had his fiddle performance on January 16. It was fun watching him.

Here he is warming up.

A couple pictures of him performing:

A video of part of his performance:

Posing for Mama: