Friday, August 29, 2008

All In One Day

The sweetest thing I heard all day:

Thomas: Momma, I am gonna ask God to help me jump without holding on to anything.

The Funniest Thing I heard All Day:

David: Momma, Why are your boobies so big?
Momma: Because, that's the way God made me.
[A minute or two later both David and Thomas are lifting up their shirts.]
David: But, mine are so flat.
Thomas: AND, mine are so tiny!

The most adorable thing I saw all day:

I discovered this sign placed carefully in the "crawl space" going into the boys room. Apparantly after we moved Jonathan and his legos out of the living room, he decided he needed a sign to keep Elisabeth out of his room. It is obvious he gave it some thought: A sign for Elisabeth has to be at her level! It was taped to the floor.


Kimberly said...

Sweet, funny and adorable. Those are all much better words than yesterday! I hope that you and your family have enjoyed your end of the summer party! Can't wait to see pictures from this event!!!!

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

That is too too cute. I can't wait until mine do things like that.

Anonymous said...

HA!! I love that he taped it to the floor!
