Saturday, July 25, 2009

One Less Place Around the Table

Seth was relaxing outside reading a book when the chair he was sitting in broke. It just crashed down with him in the seat.

The kids were playing in the water from the sprinkler when it happened.

Thomas was devastated.
Here are the boys checking out the damage. Here's what they had to say about Daddy breaking the chair.

We either have one really strong Daddy or we had one really tired chair.

Either way, we have one less place around our table.


Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Poor daddy! Maybe he should go on a diet???

Seth said...


cbogie said...

The boys were sure P.C. in their comments!

Anonymous said...

Thomas was attached to the chair huh? My husband did that sort of thing to a chair one of the first times he went to my parent's house. We still remember the day Ian broke the chair!

samantha said...

Poor daddy. Doesn't that mean he has to stand at the table now?

Leah said...

Thomas...much like Rachel feels an emotional attachment to things around the house? As a kid Rachel used to cry or have a fit when things changed or broke. It went like this..."that was my favorite chair" or "why did you saw off that tree limb, it was my FAVORITE limb"...these were always followed by tears and much angst. They must be kindred spirits. :o)


Lori said...

oh no... poor chair. too funny that your son was so upset about it

Shirley Casey said...

So sweet! Always enjoy your boys perspective. :O)

leigh ann said...

Hope it didn't come from Target...