Saturday, February 09, 2008

Thomas sharing his pancakes

Thomas picked up a pretty good stomach virus on Thursday afternoon. He "Shared His Pancakes" with the family from about 4 PM until 10 or 11 or so. Friday, although a little low energy, he was fine. He ate a (very) little for lunch and then ate a big yummy burrito filled with meat, refried beans, cheese and tomatoes. And, yes, he held that down. So Friday night, sure we were done, I cleaned the carpets. You see where this is going, right? After two cups of chocolate milk, some hashbrowns, eggs, and bacon this morning... well, I took pretty good inventory of everything he ate and Thomas would agree that it definitely tasted better the first time. Here he is after deciding that he wasn't all that hungry (thank goodness!) for lunch:

We brought his mattress downstairs again (I slept with him in the living room on Thursday night to continue playing "catch" with him.) Notice the strategically placed bowl. He has since eaten two bowls of cereal after waking up. Maybe I won't see post digested Frosted Flakes (fingers crossed.)


leigh ann said...

At least the burrito pretty much looked the same.

So sorry you had to go through this this week, too. I'm positive you didn't catch it from us! :)

Jessica said...

Oh, poor little baby! He looks so sweet. No fun.

Carmom said...

That is never a fun ordeal for either of you. Hopefully, he is feeling better and everyone else stays well. Poor little guy!!

Kimberly said...

What a great idea to bring his bed downstairs. That way, at least, you weren't running back and forth up and down the stairs in the middle of the night. That could have spelled disaster!

The Coatney's said...

Oh you poor things! I despise catching puke but better than the alternative I suppose! Hope he's feeling better soon!